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ABnR Courses

ABnR Applied Biomechanics & Rehabilitation Courses

The ABnR courses focus on all aspects of functional biomechanics and rehabilitation to enable our horses to stay fit and healthy.

All courses are presented as a combination of theoretical lectures and intensive hands on practical sessions in small groups and offer thorough insight into modern rehabilitation science, tools and techniques to use in your daily practice!

To give you the best possible learning experience we invite experts from all over the world to teach along with us. All modules are self-contained and can be booked individually.
However you can qualify as ‚ABnR certified Rehabilitation Practitioner‘ after attending at least 5 courses and successfully presenting an own case in class.
Courses can be taken in any chronological order.

Intrigued? Then join us on this ABnR journey and improve your skills for the wealth of your practice.

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ABnR Course Content

Post-graduade insight into modern rehabilitation science & techniques

ABnR Equine Biomechanics and Gait Analysis

Lameness versus functional asymmetry – where can we draw the line? 

You´re aiming to achieve a thorough understanding of equine biomechancis and uncover the basics of gait analysis?
You want to distinguish between gait abberances, compensatory patterns and their influence on the musculoskeletal system to improve your treatment plans? 

You want to unterstand how common orthopedic diseases connected to functional disorders in equine athletes? Then join our international experts in this intense biomechanical journey through the horse. 

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hilary Clayton, PD Dr. Jenny Hagen, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach 

Next course date: 15. – 16. November 2024

Booking: 15. - 16. Nov 2024

ABnR Biomechanics of Horse-Rider Interaction

Specific performance leads to specific demands.

In equitation this is true for the horse as well as the rider.
To provide optimal care for our patients and clients we need to have a deeper understanding of performance related biomechanics of horses and riders, equipment and tack.

This module focussed on the horse-rider interaction and offers insight and  solutions for common performance related difficulties

Speakers: Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: tba

Booking: date to be announced

ABnR Equine Myofascial Triggerpoint & Pain Release

Taut bands and hyperirritable nodes may lead to radiating pain and tenderness in the musculoskeletal system, causing recurrent orthopedic or unexplained pain issues in horses. 

This course will teach you how to effectively diagnose and treat myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) and immediately integrate your new skills into your daily routine.

Speakers: Dr. Hannes Müller-Ehrenberg, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: 16. – 17. May 2025 (confirmed)

Booking: 16.-17. May 2025

ABnR Training, Physiology & Poor Performance Management

Poor performance and performance related medical issues are a common problem in equine sports.

Solving these problems requires a multi-disciplinary approach and deeper understanding of equine (muscle) physiology and training routines. 
Common orthopedic and internal issues will be presented and discussed as well as sleep deprivation and behavioral issues leading to poor performance.

Gain a deeper knowledge about how to approach poor performance in horses and optimize training routines in patients. 

Speakers: Dr. Carolien Munsters, Dr. Christine Fuchs, Dr. Ute Pansegrau, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: 21. – 22. November 2025

Booking: 21. - 22. Nov 2025

ABnR Equine Electro and Physical Therapy

Electro and physical therapy in animals is a huge and rapidly growing sector and it can be difficult to decide which treatment is the best for the individual patient. 

This course provides a thorough overview of available tools and options as well as a comparison of pros and cons, to enable you to decide and chose the optimum device for specific conditions.

Keywords: TENS, PENS, NMES, FES, MENS, MBST, PEMF, EMF, TMS, laser, shockwave, therapeutic ultrasound, percussion and vibration therapy…

Speaker: (Dr. Paulo Marques – tbc), Dr. Christine Fuchs, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: 24. – 26. April 2026

Booking: 24. - 26. April 2026

ABnR Equine Neural Therapy & Myokinetic Therapy

Speaker:  Dr. Solange Mikail, Dr. Christine Fuchs, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: Coming soon

Booking: coming soon

ABnR Art & Sciene of Spinal Manipulation Therapy (SMT)

Have you ever wondered if over adjusting could influence the body´s stability?
Or about the importance of extremity adjusting and the neurological implications behind it? Could less adjusting be more in effect? And if so, how do we determine, where to adjust?

We will come across questions like what makes a chiropractic adjustment stand out from general manipulation and how to achieve this goal?

Furthermore up-to-date scientifical literature for human and equine will be discussed in detail in this outstanding course. 

Speaker:  Dr. Kevin Haussler, Dr. Gertjan van Koort, DC Phil Milner (tbc), Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: Coming soon

Booking: Coming soon

ABnR Equine Nutrition Intense

Speaker:  Dr. Ingrid Vervuert, Dr. Nadine Blum, Dr. Julia Rohrbach

Next course date: Coming soon

Booking: coming soon