Jean Claude Ionita
Speaker – ABnR Academy
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About Jean Claude Ionita
Jean-Claude graduated in December 2000 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Bern in Switzerland. Whilst working in Bern´s department for Equine Medicine he obtained his doctorate (Dr. med. vet.) degree in 2002. After spending another year of working at the Swiss National Stud and in equine clinics in Canada and Germany, Jean-Claude was engaged from 2003 to 2014 as a Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the Large Animal Clinic for Surgery of the University of Leipzig in Germany.
Since 2014, he offers his services as a veterinary consultant and organizes veterinary professional courses, with main interest into regenerative medicine and products for the treatment of equine orthopedic diseases.
We are more than happy to welcome Jean-Claude to ABnR as an expert for regenerative medicine as well as specialist in large animal anesthesiology.
Tabular CV Information
Degree in Veterinäry Medicine after studies at ´Freie Universität Berlin´and ´Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover ´
Doctorate graduation from ´Institut für Pharmakologie, Pharmazie und Toxikologie an der Tierärztlichen Hochschule in Hannover´ lead by Prof. Dr. W. Löscher (ambassabor of the ´International League Against Epilepsy, ILAE´)
– 2003
Vet at ´Kleintierklinik Bremen Dres. Dürr & Rosenhagen´
Focus on surgery and ophthalmology.
– 2003
Medical care and supervision of ´Tierheimes vom Bremer Tierschutzverein e.V.´
– 2006
Residency in Neurology (ECVN) at ´Tierspital in Bern (CH)´
supervised by Prof. Dr. A. Jaggy and Prof. Dr. M. Vandevelde – European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN)
– 2006
Medical care and supervision at the rehab department includin manual physiotherapy, aqua treadmill and magnetic field therapy.
– 2013
Research at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health in Basel (CH)
Fokus: Pain therapy and neurology in horses and small animals.
Initiator of advanced training in equine medicine at ´Tierspital Bern und Zürich´
Directorate and management at the ´German Equine Veterinary Association (GPM/GEVA)´
Publikations and lecturing experience:
Narkolepsie/Kataplexie bei einem Deutschen Wachtelhund (Kleintierpraxis)
FIP in cats (J Feline Med Surg)
Encephalitis in French Bulldog (J Small Animal Pract)
Referentin für die ESAVA
Advanced training / Qualification:
Chiropractic in animals, International Academy of Veterinary Chiropraktik (IAVC) at AECC in Bournemouth (UK)
Akupuncture in animals, Chi Institute Europe and Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists (ABVA)
Human-Akupuncture (A-Diploma), Deutschen Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur (DÄGfA)
Applied Kinesiology (Dr. Carl DiStefano)
Advanced Chiropractic (IAVC)
AO-Kurs Osteosynthesis (Bad Langensalza)
Guest Student Neurologie und Ophthalmologie, Inselspital Bern (CH)
Guest Student Animal Health Trust in Newmarket (UK), department Neurology and Ophthalmology