High quality post-graduate courses for veterinarians & chiropractors.


Check out our course programme 2025/2026😉.

Or maybe you want to join our ABnR Equine Chiro Basic Course ´25/´26?




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High quality post-graduate courses for veterinarians & chiropractors.


Check out our course programme 2025/2026😉.

Or maybe you want to join our ABnR Equine Chiro Basic Course ´25/´26?


Show Overview

High quality post-graduate courses for veterinary professionals.


About ABnR Academy

The ABnR specifically focusses on integrating current state-of-the-art knowledge of scientifically based school medical treatment and manual and complementary rehabilitation techniques to provide the integrative missing link between different medical field professions. 

The ABnR´s overall goal is to enable deeper understanding and skills for optimized examination and treatment routines to the best of our patients.

In this dedication the ABnR is engaging a unique position within the field of professional postgraduate education.

The academy programme offers a series of courses which can be chosen in any chronological order.

To qualify as ‘cABnR – ABnR Certified Rehab Practitioner’ a total of five courses has to be attended successfully. Three courses are mandatory and have to be attended; ´Equine Biomechanics and Gait Analysis´, ´Biomechanics of Horse-Rider Interaction´ and ´Training, Physiology and Poor Performance Management´. Two more courses have to be added, but can be freely chosen out of the courses offered. Qualification will be finalized by presenting an own rehabilitation case and Q+A session in class.

If you started your qualification before course adaptions, please get in contact via mail@abnr.info regarding your final certification regulations. 

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